You are getting married and plan to visit a wedding fair?
Take a double tour of the location!
In the first, faster round, you gain an overview of the location and the scope of the various vendors.
In the second round, you can then target the booths you find most interesting. This way you make sure you have enough time and energy for your priorities and you don’t miss anything!
You have found a wedding service provider (location, florist, stylist, photographer…) that you find very suitable? : Save the date!
Reserve right on the spot for your wedding date!
As you know, the most popular seasonal dates are quickly taken. So make sure you can host your wedding with your ” Favorite “!
Is this your first time at a wedding fair and you don’t know what to expect?
Take your time to check out the offers in more detail right away!
Especially in times of pandemic, having the service providers all live in one place saves a lot of time for the wedding preparations.
From experience, brides usually do not want to look for a wedding dress in the presence of their partner, but should definitely take the opportunity to get an overview of the styles on offer and reserve an appointment for a fitting in the showroom while still at the fair.
Do you know your Numbers?
Some service providers and event locations will ask you very specific questions about dates, number of guests, budget, etc. in order to advise you optimally.
Bring your agenda, to-do list, etc. with you!
So you are already a few steps further in the preparation after the trade fair visit!
A wedding is an occasion for joy and just so the preparation for it should be fun!
Do not stress and enjoy the event! All exhibitors have prepared with a lot of creativity and detail work to show you what they can offer you!
Here you can also find out in a very relaxed atmosphere, with whom you get along well and whom you would like to have on this special day as a professional!

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Zauberbraut Berlin – creative Outfit Strategies for your Wedding!